> Start Here To Build A Custom Flag
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Customize Left Side-Hand Sewn Customize Right Side-Hand Sewn Customize Left Side-Printed
Customize Right Side-Printed
We have 100s of school licenses available for you to Divide Your Pride in just a few steps!

1. Do you want a hand sewn or printed flag?

2. Search for the school you would like on the left side of your flag. Many schools offer two different background color choices. Consider the color of your right side school when choosing the color of the left side school.

3. If you are purchasing a hand sewn flag, select either sleeve or grommet finish. Printed flags are available only in grommet finish.

4. Add the left side to your cart and then select your right side school. Make sure that you are selecting the same style-hand sewn or printed-for both sides.

5. Add the right side to your cart and we'll produce a full flag for you!